ntp.zeitgitter.net Weekly

Report generated: 2024-04-26T12:59:26
Report period: 7 days
Time zone: UTC
Y axes: Linear near origin, may turn logarithmic at the edges. Check the Y axes tics.


Local Clock

Local Clock: Frequency + OffsetLocal Clock: Frequency detailLocal Clock: Offset detailLocal Clock: Offset histogramLocal Clock: SkewLocal Clock: stddev

Remote Clocks Summary

Remote Clocks: Frequency DifferenceRemote Clocks: OffsetsRemote Clocks: Skew

Remote Clocks Details

Remote clock: time2.uni-konstanz.de/IPv4Remote clock: time.cloudflare.com/IPv4.123Remote clock: tricorder.trifence.ch/IPv4Remote clock: ptbtime3.ptb.de/IPv4Remote clock: ntp13.metas.ch/IPv4Remote clock: ptbtime3.ptb.de/IPv6Remote clock: time2.uni-konstanz.de/IPv4Remote clock: ntp.3eck.net/IPv6Remote clock: time.cloudflare.com/IPv6.1Remote clock: 2a02:168:2000:58::41Remote clock: ntp.3eck.net/IPv4Remote clock: clock:

Other Vantage Points

Any view just from a single point is incomplete. So, have a look at my neighbors and others watching me:

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